0395 - CEB 0395 Business Foundations
Course: 0395 - Business Foundations
This professional development program is designed to equip leaders with the skills they need to effectively manage their operations. This program is formatted in eight micro-learning courses that cover topics such as human resources management and development, conflict resolution, financial management, social media marketing, fundraising, strategy, and change management. By the end of the program, leaders will complete multiple action plans that will foster useful solutions for some major pain points in their organization.
- Conflict Resolution: This course focuses on the practices and policies intended to manage and resolve disagreements with minimal cost and adversarial impact.
- Inventory of Current Business Operations: This course is designed to provide an overview of the program and allow participants to take an inventory of their current organization. This inventory will be useful for developing the deliverables in the program.
- Managing People: This course is designed to help the user explore Human Resource Management and Development concepts that impact employee productivity and organizational effectiveness. Leaders can discover current methods and practical business applications that lead to enhanced team performance, employee engagement and employee and volunteer retention strategies.
- Marketing & Social Media Strategies: This course is designed to help leaders understand basic marketing and social media concepts, tools and applications. This course will provide the practical knowledge and insights needed to successfully plan, implement, manage and measure both general marketing and social media marketing efforts.
- Financial Management: This course examines the basic elements of financial management to enable leaders to make informed decisions. Leaders will examine the various elements of the balance sheet, evaluate tools to account for costs, manage cash, and assess the financial health of their organization. Additional coverage will focus on internal controls to protect the assets of the organization, manage risk, and ensure accountability.
- Raising Capital: This course presents best practices in the area of raising funds in both for-profit and non-profit organizations. Given the vital nature of raising funds for all organizations, this course will provide the tools necessary for success in this field.
- Strategy & Change Management: This course will challenge leaders to revisit their overall strategic plan and equip them with the tools to create and maximize participation, collaboration, and effectiveness during times of change in order to build team identity, commitment, and trust. Leaders will understand the nature of organizational strategy and change management, revisit strategies for dealing with organizational conflict during times of change, and learn to build a collaborative leadership process.
- Business Plan Development: This course will be the culminating experience in the program. Leaders will be challenged to utilize the skills and knowledge
This program has a gateway for academic credit option. See video above for more details.