

Course: EDGP 5214: Supporting Students with Disabilities-Conscious Discipline for Every Brain

Students with exceptionalities—whether formally diagnosed or not—benefit from targeted interventions that increase safety, connection, and executive function. Discover how Conscious Discipline practices serve the needs of all children including those with disabilities.

Every student is unique, even more so in a classroom serving children with varying exceptionalities. When you tap into your core wisdom, solutions become possible to address a variety of challenges. Explore key practices for adult composure and positive intent, and practical strategies for increasing student connection, cooperation, and self-regulation.

This event will transform life in your classroom whether you are a specialist working solely with students with disabilities, or a classroom teacher with both neurotypical and neurodivergent students. Join Conscious Discipline Lead Instructor Elizabeth Montero-Cefalo and Certified Instructor Sarah Catherine Rhodes to create a culture of compassion and an environment that encourages social interactions, communication, and builds executive function through supportive adaptations and modifications

Offering Sections Select a section to sign-up for from the list below.
All Times Are Listed in Central Time.
Offering Title
EDGP 5214 - Supporting Students with Disabilities-Conscious Disciplinefor Every Brain
Mar 06, 2024 to Mar 07, 2024
Offering Fee(s)
Course Fee non-credit $85.00
Drop Request Deadline
Feb 28, 2024
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